mObywatel. The application needs to be updated. It will not work without it.

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Krzysztof Gawkowski discussing mObywatel TVN24 application

Certain users may soon find themselves unable to access mObywatel. Starting February 25, individuals using the application in version 4.50.0 or earlier will be unable to utilize it. An update is necessary for continued access.

Some users of the application may soon face access restrictions. „For security purposes, we will be renewing the mObywatel domain certificate on February 25,” the application managers stated in their announcement.

mObywatel. Required current version

As stated, from that date forward, to keep using the application, you must have the updated version. It needs to be version 4.50.1 or newer.

„If your mObywatel updates automatically (which is the case for most users), you don’t need to take any action . However, if your phone is not set to update automatically – please head to the Google Play Store or App Store now to update your mObywatel ” – was the recommendation provided.


Furthermore, it was confirmed that updated versions of the application are already accessible in both the Google Play and App Store, enabling continued usage.

„We have dispatched a PUSH notification to individuals utilizing older app versions. We are informing them about the necessity to update mObywatel. If you received such a notification – kindly do not disregard it,” the message stated.

Users can easily verify if they have the latest version. „Visit the Google Play Store or App Store. Check if there’s a button indicating the option to update (Update or Upgrade). If there’s no update option available, you will instead see a button labeled Open,” the app managers advised.

„In the store, you can also navigate to the application details to find the currently available version number. Then, you can compare it with the version number of your mObywatel. To find your version number, open the application and look at the bottom right corner of the screen before logging in – there you will see the mObywatel version installed on your device,” they added.

mObywatel application Adam Stępień/ Agency

Why is mObywatel undergoing an update?

The application managers provided an explanation for the necessity of the update.

„The purpose of updating the application is not only to enhance its capabilities or improve its performance but also to bolster security. This is achieved, among other things, through the regular renewal of certificates. This practice is widely adopted in the IT sector. Its goal is to elevate security levels. Since ensuring the security of mObywatel is our priority – we will conduct such operations periodically,” they clarified.


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