Changes at Polish Airports

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Szczerba: PiS campaign was financed by a foundation of the State Treasury company TVN24

The Supervisory Board of Polish Airports has removed Andrzej Ilkow from his role as President of the Management Board of Polish Airports, as stated in a press announcement.

It should be noted that Andrzej Ilków has held the position of President of the Management Board of PPL SA since March 19, 2024. „He was appointed through a competition that was announced on March 1, 2024. Prior to this, Andrzej Ilków acted as Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CPK,” the announcement specifies.

Andrzej Ilków (R), Marcin Danił (2R) and Adam Sanocki (2L) Radek Pietruszka/PAP

It has been communicated that Marcin Danił, a member of the management board responsible for financial and commercial matters, will fulfill the president’s responsibilities until a new competition is conducted.

Polish Airports

Polskie Porty Lotnicze is a joint-stock entity formed through the transformation on April 1, 2023, of the State Enterprise „Porty Lotnicze” (PPL) into a single-member joint-stock company, in accordance with the Act of July 22, 2022, aimed at enhancing the investment process of the Central Communication Port. At the time of transformation, the sole shareholder of the company was the State Treasury. In September 2023, the Government Plenipotentiary for the Central Communication Port transferred shares of the newly established Polskie Porty Lotnicze SA to the special purpose vehicle Central Communication Port sp. z o.o. Currently, the sole shareholder of PPL SA is Central Communication Port sp. z o.o. The assets of PPL include, among others, Chopin Airport in Warsaw, which is the largest in Poland and one of the major airports in Central and Eastern Europe. PPL also serves as the parent company of the PPL Capital Group, which holds stakes in 16 companies, including those that manage airports. Polish Airports are governed by the legal obligations set forth by the Civil Aviation Authority and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). (PAP)


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