Deregulation in Poland. „Rzeczpospolita”: Strong yes for deregulation in Poland

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Prof. Orłowski: it is not accurate to say that economic issues can be overlooked TVN24

A significant majority of participants assert that regulations hinder the advancement of local businesses and the economy, that there is an excess of bureaucracy, and that tax resources are squandered – reports Wednesday’s 'Rzeczpospolita’.

According to the research carried out by the Indicator Marketing Research Center, referenced by „Rz”, a favorable view of the Prime Minister’s initiative on economic deregulation is clearly predominant among both the entire respondent pool and entrepreneurs – with 62 and 73 percent respectively expressing this viewpoint. The proportion of negative opinions in both categories is – as the newspaper highlights – merely 10 percent.


Business owners are optimistic that this will finally lead to change due to the deregulation team formed in response to Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s initiative, which is led by Rafał Brzoska, the CEO of InPost.

Donald Tusk with Rafał Brzoska Chancellery of the Prime Minister

On Monday, February 10 this year, during the „Poland. A Year of Breakthrough” conference, Prime Minister Donald Tusk invited Rafał Brzoska to establish a team that would swiftly devise deregulation proposals.

Brzoska is an entrepreneur, the founder, and CEO of InPost, a company that provides logistics solutions for the e-commerce sector. The company operates a network of over 66,000 locations for sending or receiving packages.

Poles advocate for deregulation

„Respondents generally agree that regulations, specifically overregulation, are obstructing the growth of the Polish economy and businesses. They express a negative view regarding the level of bureaucracy in our nation. Approximately two-thirds perceive it as definitely or somewhat excessive,” the daily reports. „Rz” noted that among entrepreneurs, this percentage was even higher, reaching 79 percent. The proportion of respondents who found the level of bureaucracy appropriate was 12 and 9 percent, respectively.

Support for changes in tax law

Among the sectors identified by respondents as needing the most deregulation, tax law (63 percent of mentions), followed by pharmacies and access to medicines, as well as the energy sector. A clear majority of participants also believe that public funds are being ineffectively utilized in Poland, indicating that tax money is wasted. Nearly two-thirds of respondents strongly or somewhat agree with this assertion. Just over one in ten hold the opposing view, the newspaper adds.


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