Honey batches withdrawn from sale. GIS announcement

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Honey batch withdrawn from sale by GIS

The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS) has released a public alert concerning three batches of honey packaged in jars. The Sanitary Inspectorate cautions that individuals consuming the product may experience allergic reactions.

As reported by GIS, through the efforts of the Veterinary Inspection, sulfonamides were found in lime nectar honey.

Withdrawal process is underway

„For individuals allergic to sulfonamides, consuming honey that contains these substances could trigger an allergic response,” emphasizes GIS. Consequently, those with sulfonamide allergies are advised not to consume the product batches mentioned in the announcement.

„The manufacturer has initiated a procedure to withdraw the non-compliant product from the market. The District Veterinary Officer in Tomaszów Lubelski, overseeing the plant, has conducted an explanatory process,” it states.

GIS further notes that the State Sanitary Inspection authorities are overseeing the withdrawal of the product from the market.

Product specifics: Product name: Linden nectar honey, glass jars weighing 1000 g, 650 g, 370 g.

Batch codes (bottling dates): 15/11/2024, 18/11/2024, 31/12/2024

Manufacturer: Roztocze Beekeepers Association in Tomaszów Lubelski Production Plant, Rogóźno, ul. Sybiraków 13, 22-600 Tomaszów Lubelski, WNI 06185501.

Product images:

Discontinued GIS product
Discontinued GIS product


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