Biznes Fakty
Time change. When, is it this weekend?

When will the time change occur? In 2025, the transition from winter to summer time will happen during the night between Saturday, March 29, and Sunday, March 30. The clocks will advance from 2:00 to 3:00, resulting in a loss of one hour of sleep.
When is the transition to summer time?
The shift from winter to summer time consistently occurs on the final Sunday of March. In 2025, the transition to summer time will take place on the night of Saturday, March 29, into Sunday, March 30, meaning that at 2:00 a.m. on the last Sunday of March, we will set the clocks forward to 3:00 a.m.
It is important to note that certain clocks, such as those in electronic devices, smartphones, or computers, will adjust automatically. However, manual changes will be necessary for traditional watches and in many vehicles.
The transition from summer to winter time is scheduled for the last Sunday in October – October 26, 2025.
The time change is linked to the indefinite European Union directive established in January 2001. In Poland, the adjustment of time is governed by a regulation from the Prime Minister.
Global changes to summer and winter time
Almost 70 nations worldwide implement winter and summer time.
In Poland, time changes were first implemented during the interwar period, and subsequently in the years 1946-1949 and 1957-1964.
Since 1977, the time change has been consistently observed along the Vistula. Prior to 1995, the switch from summer to winter time occurred a month earlier – on the last Sunday of September (it is now on the last Sunday of October). The transition from winter to summer time followed a similar pattern – on the last Sunday of March.

The subject of changing the clocks has been a topic of discussion within the European Union for several years. A public consultation conducted by the European Commission in 2018 revealed that 84% of participants supported the abolishment of the clock change. This consultation garnered 4.6 million responses, marking the largest response rate in history.
Polish citizens are also in favor of eliminating the time change. According to a CBOS survey from March 2019, over three-quarters of respondents (78.3%) opposed the time change, while only 14.2% supported its continuation. The vast majority of adult Poles preferred a permanent switch to Central European Summer Time, commonly referred to as Summer Time, with over 74% of participants in favor of this option.