Martyna Łuszczek on TVN24

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Martyna Łuszczek discusses her dreams TVN24

Undoubtedly, the aspiration of nearly every scientist embarking on their journey is to win the Nobel Prize. It may seem far away, yet it lingers in the back of my mind, – remarked Martyna Łuszczek, one of the top students globally, during the „Wstajesz i weekend” program on TVN24.

Martyna Łuszczek is currently a student at the Leon Kozminski Academy in Warsaw. Last year, she ranked among the top 50 students worldwide in the Global Student Prize 2024 competition. However, this is just a fraction of the accomplishments of this Polish student, who is also pursuing studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

– Just a week ago, I had the honor of standing on the stage of the distinguished Polish Woman of the 21st Century competition. This event celebrates Polish women who have already made a mark in their professional lives. I was the youngest Polish woman on that stage and the only one born after 2000, among notable figures like Otylia (Jędrzejczak – ed.), a renowned swimmer, and the Polish director of „Chłopi” (Dorota Kobiela-Welchman – ed.). Somehow, I found myself amidst them – she shared on TVN24.

Martyna Łuszczek on her most significant aspirations

When asked about her most significant aspirations, she acknowledged that „there are quite a few”. – They continue to resonate within me and evolve. My primary aspiration is that the innovations I develop could genuinely benefit the world. I have several additional accolades in mind, particularly scientific ones, that I aim to achieve in the future. It is certainly the dream of every scientist at the outset of their career to aspire for a Nobel Prize at some point. Though it seems distant, it remains something I often ponder – stated Martyna Łuszczek.

– I have a few scholarships in mind, but I prefer not to speak about them just yet, so we’ll see what life brings. What I truly desire is for the work I am currently engaged in, which I have been developing for several years, to effectively serve society – she mentioned.

She also recounted her initial accomplishments. – During my second year of high school, my team and I developed an „aqua collector” — a device designed to gather and utilize microplastics from water bodies. This marked a pivotal moment in my scientific journey, where I learned extensively about design, innovation, and a research-oriented approach to a topic that was relatively new across Europe and not widely discussed at the time. It was also a response to the pressing needs of the environment, which is often at risk, fueling my ecological passion to effect real change – she explained.

– My first job involved assisting my parents on the farm, but later, at 15, I took on a role as a waitress at a wedding venue, and I also participated in local initiatives, which stayed with me throughout high school. Ultimately, I applied for an internship at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, and everything unfolded from there during my high school years – she detailed when asked about her early professional experiences.

Balancing numerous responsibilities

Martyna Łuszczek also found employment at the Ministry of Digital Affairs. – After completing my final exams, I was pleased to return to work with the administration. Previously, I interned at GovTech for high school students and college students, and it quickly became evident that my digital passion and knowledge could be advantageous here. I had the honor of being the youngest Polish assistant to the Minister of Digital Affairs in history, where I conducted cybersecurity lessons across Poland, including in smaller towns in the east and west of the country – she shared.

When asked how she manages so many responsibilities, Łuszczek responded, – Yes, it does seem that there is no discernible pattern; there’s no room for a routine. Additionally, I have daily work commitments that I wish to fulfill, leading to very varied days that begin at sunrise and extend late into the night. However, these days are filled with encounters with many inspiring individuals. Naturally, there are also hours spent in the library, often at odd hours, yet this is something that propels me further. I genuinely believe that my life is enriched with fascinating meetings and initiatives, which I often attempt to support now as someone who can inspire others to take action – she explained.

The accomplished student also addressed the situation of women in a male-dominated field. – I find it amusing that when I entered this domain, I learned to offer a firmer handshake upon entering a room full of men. They often seek to assess women’s knowledge before proceeding with any discussions. Just yesterday, I returned to Warsaw from a hackathon where 130 programmers attended, with 99 percent being men. It often revolves around gaining attention, proving that as a girl, I can also contribute in this area. It’s undeniably a challenge that one must adapt to, requiring considerable courage and determination to break through this barrier – she stated.

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