Rafał Brzoska on deregulation: we want to do one thing

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Rafał Brzoska discusses the necessity of deregulation and the TVN tax act

We aim to achieve a singular goal. We seek to demonstrate to Polish society, including the over three million Polish entrepreneurs, that we can organize something in an entirely professional manner that has not been accomplished thus far. Why? It is challenging for officials to deregulate themselves – stated Rafał Brzoska, president of InPost and head of the deregulation team, during the program „Rozmowa Piaseckiego” on TVN24.

Last week, the deregulation team under Rafał Brzoska released initial proposals for legal modifications aimed at enhancing the operation of Polish businesses. The recommendations comprise increasing the number of general interpretations provided by the Minister of Finance, adjustments in ESG reporting obligations, curtailing abuses by tax authorities, including a reduction in tax disputes, avoiding penalties for unintentional errors, limiting the application of VAT penalties, as well as implementing less aggressive enforcement practices and leveraging the potential of artificial intelligence.

– Last week we unveiled over 20 initiatives, and tomorrow we will introduce another 20. Currently, we have more than 8.5 thousand applications on the website alone, 70 percent of which originate from citizens rather than entrepreneurs. Additionally, 1,350 experts have registered on the same website across various fields in which they wish to assist wiadomo.com – remarked Brzoska on TVN24.

– The Prime Minister requested a focus on regulations; however, after a week, we, as representatives of Polish business, asserted that „deregulation cannot be achieved solely through regulations.” From the thousand proposals we evaluated in the first week, merely 3 percent could be addressed through regulatory methods, ministerial instructions, or circulars. The remaining 97 percent are directives originating from EU acts – highlighted the entrepreneur.

When queried if he had set any prerequisites for the Prime Minister regarding „his cooperation,” Brzoska replied no.

– No, we do not impose conditions. Our goal is singular. We want to illustrate to Polish society, including the more than 3 million entrepreneurs in our nation, that we can organize something in a completely professional manner that has not been realized thus far. Why? It is hard for officials to deregulate themselves – declared the head of InPost.

– Over the past 5 years, the tax act has expanded to 5,800 typewritten pages, with an increase of 1,800 pages. If this trend continues, we will reach 10,000 pages in the next 10 years – he noted.

„We accomplished absolutely nothing”

When asked whether the Prime Minister’s proposal was a „set-up,” Brzoska responded that „the inspiration stemmed from my previous interviews, where I specifically mentioned that if politicians, alongside business support, do not swiftly address the crucial development elements for our country, we risk losing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

– A new administration in the United States, fresh dynamics in Ukraine, new developments in U.S.-China relations, and we, as Europe, have done absolutely nothing. We were preoccupied with how to impose more regulations, thereby diminishing the competitiveness of the European economy – he added.

Brzoska emphasized that he is neither a public official, nor a paid employee, nor an advisor to anyone.

– The Prime Minister challenged the entire community, and representing his colleagues, I take it very seriously. We started working diligently the very next day. Just two weeks have passed since the challenge was presented, and through the lens of the numerous areas of Polish absurdities we are already addressing, we are organizing quite efficiently – he stated.

Why should Rafał Brzoska succeed where politicians have failed?

Konrad Piasecki highlighted that „there was Janusz Palikot with his deregulation commission,” and there has been a government plenipotentiary for deregulation for a year. So why should Rafał Brzoska succeed in something that politicians have not managed to accomplish?

– Perhaps the scenario is different; maybe if we examine it from a broader perspective, it will cease to be political? Let’s acknowledge that this project was developed by Minister Paszyk. It is an excellent initiative. There are indeed numerous brilliant deregulation solutions included – remarked the president of InPost.

Brzoska also referenced the initiatives of MPs Ryszard Petru and Bartłomiej Wróblewski, stating, „we incorporate all these initiatives into our team, dividing them into expert groups to genuinely assess their contribution to Poland’s development.”

– Do they genuinely deregulate? Are they merely loopholes for lobbyists? We present this not as Rafał Brzoska’s project, nor as a compilation of ideas from his team. It is simply a collection of concepts in which 10,000 individuals have participated thus far, signifying their belief that it can be accomplished. Janusz Palikot’s Commission enacted changes across 68 legal acts out of 50,000 regulations it addressed. That’s not a significant accomplishment – he pointed out.

Why has it not worked previously? – Perhaps it relates to the pace? Maybe earlier initiatives were part of a political game. It is no coincidence that I


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