The next shopping Sunday is April 13, 2025. No shopping Sunday in March. Calendar

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Government regulation of food prices in Hungary Reuters

The second shopping Sunday of the year is nearing. It will occur on April 13. On this date, larger stores will also be available for shopping. In March, there are no shopping Sundays.

The second shopping Sunday in 2025 is scheduled for April 13. This is the only Sunday of the two in this month when larger stores will be open for business.

The first shopping Sunday this year took place on January 26. In total, there will be eight shopping Sundays in 2025.

Shopping Sundays in 2025

Here is the list of shopping Sundays for 2025:

  • January 26,
  • April 13,
  • April 27,
  • June 29,
  • August 31,
  • December 7,
  • December 14,
  • December 21.
Shopping Sundays in 2025 PAP

Sunday trading ban

The legislation gradually enforcing the Sunday trading ban took effect on March 1, 2018. Starting from 2020, the ban applies only to seven Sundays each year: the last Sundays of January, April, June, and August, along with the Sunday preceding Easter and the two consecutive Sundays leading up to Christmas.

„On Sundays and public holidays, trading or activities related to retail trade in commercial establishments are prohibited, as well as assigning an employee or hired individual (including those working in a retail setting under a civil law contract, such as a service contract) to perform work in trade or engage in trade-related activities. This prohibition has exceptions specified in the Act,” stated the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy.

The legislation restricting Sunday trading outlines a list of 32 exceptions. The ban does not apply to postal services if the income from this service constitutes at least 40% of the total sales revenue of the establishment. Additionally, it excludes confectioneries, ice cream shops, fuel stations, florists, newsstands, and cafés.

Violating the Sunday trading prohibition can result in a fine ranging from PLN 1,000 to PLN 100,000, and in cases of repeated violations of the law – a penalty of restricting personal freedom.


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